Sea kayaking in January in Hong Kong
by DaveWilson
The amazing shell islands of the Tolo Channel
It’s the most beautiful time of year to go sea kayaking in Hong Kong. Before the onset of ‘the wet’, the skies are clear and the oceans are clean (being pushed in from the pacific ocean by the north easterly winds) and it is not too hot!
In summer the winds blow from the south but in winter they are northerlies. That means we can do different trips in winter too so its a good time to experience some different destinations too (see map below).
As part of our Xmas gift specials we are offering a 25% discount for anyone who books and travels before the Chinese New Year.
Use the discount code XMAS2021 when doing a booking.

The ancient Tolo Channel
Hong Kong’s Jurassic Park!
Created by a series of faults that almost split Hong Kong in two that flooded, this remote and beautiful part of Hong Kong is rarely visited.
The crystal clear waters once were the home of pearl divers seeking their fortune. Shell islands are created by the remains of these and other mollusks.
On the southern shore of the channel you will find the Devil’s Washboard and Jurassic volcanic rocks with an age approximately 146.6 ± 0.2 million years old. This is dinosaur territory.
For more details click here.
High Island sea kayak journey

A classic sea kayak journey.
This is a one way experience, departing Sai Kung and paddling the west to east length of Port Shelter to High Island or vice versa.
A sea kayak journey is in someways a more rewarding experience because the entire trip is different, never covering the same ground twice.
It requires more preparation too, making sure you carry your clothes, food and water with you (exactly what sea kayaks are made to do).
There is also a destination – an end to the trip that is known at the beginning, a goal, a challenge, an achievement.
For more details click here.
Cool day paddling in Hong Kong
by DaveWilson
Is there really such as thing as cold weather paddling in Hong Kong?
Hong Kong is in the sub-tropical zone, surrounded by ocean, so it means that we don’t really get cold days (maximum temp below 10 C). However, if you combine cool
temperatures (12 to 18 C) with a breeze and a water environment, you can easily get cold through what is referred to as the “wind chill effect” combined with being wet and cooled by evaporation.
What is “wind chill”?
Usually, when an object loses heat through convection— when a body loses heat to the colder temperature air around it — there’s a small layer of heat between the warm object and its cold surroundings.
But when it’s windy, the moving air breaks up this insulating layer. It speeds up heat loss by blowing away the warmth & increasing evaopration.

Add evaporation and it gets colder!
So when we have wind blowing away heat, it is also blowing away evaporated water which cools us down more (it works the same way as sweating does), so on cooler days we have to wear appropriate clothing or we can get really cool (cold) really quick, even if the sun is shining.
But we need layers because things can change during the day. Read on!
Layering for Kayakers
Generally, dressing for paddling is similar to any other outdoor activity: you want to wear layers that can be added and removed throughout the day to adjust your clothing to the changing outdoor temperature. Most importantly, all clothing you choose should retain very little water if it gets wet; otherwise, you lose a tremendous amount of body heat warming the water in your clothes. For this reason, cotton clothes should be avoided at all costs.
The inner layer, or base layer, should consist of wicking synthetic fabrics like
polypropylene. This layer should draw sweat and moisture away from your skin and allow it to evaporate quickly. A thin base layer is best because a thick base layer will prevent you from adjusting to warmer temperatures. Even your underwear should be made of wicking fabric — it’s much more comfortable! A rash shirt or running shirt is perfect.
The second layer is for insulation, so it can consist of fleece, wool, or other insulating, non-absorbing materials. Again, one or two thin layers is ideal (unless it is very cold), because then you can more easily adjust to a variety of conditions.
The outer layer is for protection from the wind & spray (or rain). Here you will choose a lightweight spray (rain) jacket, or whatever you need to avoid the rain, sun, wind, spray, surf, and anything else that comes your way.
Remember, if you are in a sea kayak, your lower body will be warm
It is important to understand the difference between paddling a sea kayak and a ‘sit-on-top’ (SOT) kayak on cool days. You will be much more exposed on a SOT!
Sitting in a sea kayak your lower body will be protected from both wind chill and evaporation, so you will only need upper body protection.
On a sit-on-top you will also need a light weight, non cotton pair of leggings that reduce
wind chill and evaporation.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Outer layer (top layer) to protect from wind and moisture (spray, fog or rain).

Middle layer to provide insulation from the cold outer layer. A light fleece is perfect.

Bottom layer to keep water away from your skin and insulate further. Rash shirt etc

NEVER WEAR COTTON on a cool or cold day. It holds water against your skin and cools you down via convection. All clothing on cool days is to be made of a wicking material that does not hold water against the skin. This stops cooling by evaporation.
Oct 21 Photos 3 Fathoms Cove
by DaveWilson
Oct 21 Photos 3 Fathoms Cove
Could you help us to make our trip better please?
Now that you are home safely, would you please help us to make our tours better?
We really would appreciate your feedback.
And as we know your time is valuable, if you want to leave your email address (optional if you want to remain anonymous), we will add you to the monthly draw to win a $500 voucher valid for 12 months.
On completion of the feedback form, scroll to the bottom of the page to access the link to view and download your photos.
Thank you so much for coming kayaking with us and helping us get better.

View & download your images here.

Sea Kayak Hong Kong
making safe sea kayaking accessible
Promoting ocean education and conservation through sea kayaking tours, training courses, and guided experiences.
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Ocean Conservation
Sea Kayak Hong Kong’s very own NGO helping save ocean life through education worldwide.
Ocean Education

Saving the Leatherback Turtles
Leatherback Turtles are prehistoric & like most turtle species, are on the endangered list. Sea

Scientists Warn: Nine Climate Tipping Points Now ‘Active’ – Could Threaten the Existence of Human Civilization
By UNIVERSITY OF EXETER NOVEMBER 30, 2019 More than half of the climate tipping points

Sea Turtles
Sea Turtle Biology There are seven species of sea turtles worldwide. They are: (left to
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UNESCO Global Geopark Oct 21 Sharp Island sea kayak tour photos
by DaveWilson
UNESCO Global Geopark Oct 21 Sharp Island sea kayak tour photos
Please take 5 minutes to help us improve our services by completing our short survey.
A chance to win a $300 gift voucher by completing the survey below.
The survey is totally anonymous. If you wish to be entered into a monthly draw to win a $300 gift voucher, on completion of the survey you will be able to add your name to the monthly list. This list is not connected to the survey results but only available if a survey has been completed.
Thank you for completing the survey. It will really help us get better and good luck with your draw. You will be notified at the end of the month who was the lucky winner.

Sea Kayak Hong Kong
making safe sea kayaking accessible
Promoting ocean education and conservation through sea kayaking tours, training courses, and guided experiences.
Latest News
Featured Stories
Ocean Conservation
Sea Kayak Hong Kong’s very own NGO helping save ocean life through education worldwide.
Ocean Education

Saving the Leatherback Turtles
Leatherback Turtles are prehistoric & like most turtle species, are on the endangered list. Sea

Scientists Warn: Nine Climate Tipping Points Now ‘Active’ – Could Threaten the Existence of Human Civilization
By UNIVERSITY OF EXETER NOVEMBER 30, 2019 More than half of the climate tipping points

Sea Turtles
Sea Turtle Biology There are seven species of sea turtles worldwide. They are: (left to
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Saving the Leatherback Turtles
by DaveWilson
Leatherback Turtles are prehistoric & like most turtle species, are on the endangered list.
Sea Kayak Hong Kong’s latest conservation project is to help save the breeding ground (hatchery) of the Leatherback Turtle in Phang Nga Province, Thailand through our Ocean Education NGO, Ocean Literacy International HK
The leatherback sea turtle is the largest turtle in the world.
They are the only species of sea turtle that lack scales and a hard shell.
They are named for their tough rubbery skin and have existed in their current form since the age of the dinosaurs. Leatherbacks are highly migratory, some swimming over 10,000 miles a year between nesting and foraging grounds.
They are also accomplished divers with the deepest recorded dive reaching nearly 4,000 feet—deeper than most marine mammals.
It is the only living species in the genus Dermochelys and the family Dermochelyidae.
The decline in numbers of the Pacific Leatherback Turtle is staggering, and without intervention, this amazing reptile will become extinct in the near future.
Beach erosion, caused by sea level rise, is taking away the sand necessary for the Leatherback turtles of Khaolak Beach to continue laying eggs.
Urgent help is required to create a semi-permanent solution to reduce beach erosion. Obviously no long term solution exists in this area if sea levels continue to rise, but the numbers of Pacific Leatherback Turtles have declined at such an alarming rate, that the trend has to be reversed aby any means possible.
How can you help? Simple come to paradise and dig in!
We are working with the Khaolak Orchid Beach Resort to develop multiple and innovative ways to protect the eroded beach habitat in the short term, and more traditional means in the medium term.
We have holiday packages that focus on conservation or have holiday packages that focus on recreation, but all assist in helping us protect the Leatherback Turtle habitat.
Khaolak Orchid Beach Resort
In the above image, the leatherback eggs, once laid, are surrounded by a protective shield to ensure the maximum number of eggs survive.
Our Ocean Literacy turtle conservation holiday packages here include a miriad of ocean and other water experiences.
We teach surfing (its a surf beach), we have amazing islands of the coast for diving, snorkeling, coral reef conservation and sea kayaking.
Behind us, we have mountains with rivers so you can try your hand at bamboo rafts, or for all you sea kayakers, time to have a go at some whitewater rafting and kayaking.
That will improve your sea kayaking skills.
But it’s the turtle habitat that has our attention and we will have a number of activities from plastic cleanups (the favourite food of the Leatherback is jellyfish!), to dune restoration and maybe sometime soon, helping to build offshore artificial reefs.
experience the complete water cycle
So, with COVID not abating in the short term, what can you do now?
Give us hope.
Plan ahead for 2022 / 23.
Contact us to make you part of the Leatherback Turtle’s future.
We can provide you with a heap of information about the turtle, the region, the sea kayaking and the conservation plan.
Fill in the form below to get information about your future amazing adventure holiday helping saving turtles and subscribe to our monthly update on what’s happening at Ocean Literacy International
Subscribe to get updates on adventure conservation sea kayak holidays.
Kayaks help Kayakers
by DaveWilson
What did you do when COVID19 closed down your entire local industry?
I’m sure a lot of us don’t know the answer to that question.
How could we, because a lot of industries were insulated against the effects of closure by Government printing money, then passing it around like confetti, pretending it was an effective strategy for all, but when it obviously wasn’t.
But one industry worldwide has been devastated.
That is the tourism / travel industry.
Imagine then what you would do, being in a poor country where printing confetti was not an option and you were 100% reliant on International tourism for your life blood which instantly, and without warning, disappeared!
Well, that’s the position our kayaking friends in the Phillippines found themselves in at the start of global lockdowns 18 months ago.
This is a story of compassion, creativity and even when all was really difficult, of conservation of our precious environment.
Watch the video, then go to then end of this post to browse the catalogue of these amazing products.
everything totally collapsed
When I first heard this story I was amazed.
Now that I know we can help support these noble kayak warriors, I am inspired.
So please take your time to digest what has happened to this small kayaking company based in the Philippines, providing the sole livelihood for more than 20 people, since the whole country was locked down from international tourists.
Watch the video to understand how the rafting community came together to upcycle their worn out kayaks, develop amazing new skills and create something new out of something old.
It shows the stamina, ingenuity and tenacity of a kayaker to be able to make something out of nothing and care enough about the environment that they still do things for the greater good. Turning old worn out kayaks into new waterproof fashion bags - by hand!
The heart of the kayak warrior is strong in these people.Dave Wilson Tweet
So in order to help these fine people through the upcoming months, we are buying their crafts (literally) and offering them to other kayakers too who may be willing to help and want to own a handmade bag made from the finest used kayak.
The perfect Xmas gift.
There are 3 bag styles as shown in the 2 PDFs above and below.
Because each bag is handcrafted, they are all unique.
Each bag has a serial number, but once sold is gone, so if you have a particular one in mind, please order quickly to avoid disappointment.
If you have anything specific in mind, the folks down there will make it for you. It will take about 2 weeks + postage.
Order your specific bag now (include serial numbers) or go to our shop to buy any bag that is still available.
The bags in this catalogue are a guide only, as the individual bag may have already been sold. If you wish a specific bag, complete the email form with at least 2 or 3 choices, naming your preference. We will get back to you in 24 hours if we have it available. If you wish one made similar, we can contact the guys in the Philippines with your request.
The price is $500 each for the shoulder bag & $450 for the bike mini bag.
or go to our kayak shop
UNESCO Global Geopark Sharp Island Oct 20 kayak photos
by DaveWilson
UNESCO Global Geopark Sharp Island Oct 20 kayak photos
Our new kayak shop is OPEN for business
Your tour photos are available for download by clicking here on the photo link below (opens new window)
Please take 5 minutes to help us improve our services by completing our short survey.
A chance to win a $500 gift voucher by completing the survey below.
The survey is totally anonymous. If you wish to be entered into a monthly draw to win a $300 gift voucher, on completion of the survey you will be able to add your name to the monthly list. This list is not connected to the survey results but only available if a survey has been completed.
Thank you for completing the survey. It will really help us get better and good luck with your draw. You will be notified at the end of the month who was the lucky winner.
UNESCO Global Geopark 18 Oct 3 Fathoms Cove sea kayak photos
by DaveWilson
UNESCO Global Geopark 18 Oct 3 Fathoms Cove sea kayak photos
Our new kayak shop is OPEN for business
Your tour photos are available for download by clicking here on the photo link below (opens new window)
Please take 5 minutes to help us improve our services by completing our short survey.
A chance to win a $500 gift voucher by completing the survey below.
The survey is totally anonymous. If you wish to be entered into a monthly draw to win a $300 gift voucher, on completion of the survey you will be able to add your name to the monthly list. This list is not connected to the survey results but only available if a survey has been completed.
Thank you for completing the survey. It will really help us get better and good luck with your draw. You will be notified at the end of the month who was the lucky winner.
UNESCO Global Geopark 17 Oct Sharp Island sea kayak photos
by DaveWilson
UNESCO Global Geopark 17 Oct Sharp Island sea kayak photos
Our new kayak shop is OPEN for business
Your tour photos are available for download by clicking here on the photo link below (opens new window)
Please take 5 minutes to help us improve our services by completing our short survey.
A chance to win a $500 gift voucher by completing the survey below.
The survey is totally anonymous. If you wish to be entered into a monthly draw to win a $300 gift voucher, on completion of the survey you will be able to add your name to the monthly list. This list is not connected to the survey results but only available if a survey has been completed.